Comparing and using the latest frameworks for evaluating sports technologies: a roundtable discussion

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A robust, comprehensive, effective, and efficient process to evaluate sports technology would help to reduce negative effects due to adoption of poor-quality technology, such as low return on investment, technology misuse, or data breach.
Our recent White paper introduces a standardized, evidence-based framework to assess the value, usability, and quality of technology. Developed in collaboration with 48 experts across the sports industry by means of a Delphi study design, the framework consists of 25 measurable features grouped under five quality “pillars”: Quality Assurance & Measurement, Established Benefit, Ethics & Security, User Experience, and Data Management.
This framework can help design and refine sports technology, guide purchasing decisions, and create a common language for organizations, manufacturers, investors, and consumers to improve the efficiency of their decision making on sports technology.
This colloquium will bring together the framework authors, industry representatives, and ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) members to achieve the learning objectives.
The webinar takes place from 16:00 to 17:00 CET (10:00-11:00am USA EST).
Learning Objectives
- Understand the purpose and structure of the framework and how it fits into the sports medicine field
- Compare the framework to other relevant resources
- Discuss practical examples for how to adapt the framework to assess technology within a sports or health organization including walking through case studies with a provided assessment worksheet
- Identify opportunities for incorporating the framework in undergraduate and graduate curricula
Framework presentation: Sam Robertson, Professor of Sports Analytics at Victoria University (Australia) and Track
Other relevant frameworks like e.g. INTERLIVE: Garrett Ash, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Yale University, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Dhruv Seshadri, Assistant Professor at Lehigh University
Implementation of the framework in practice: Joe Rogowski, Chief Medical Director at the NBA Retired Players Association
Interactive roundtable discussion and Q&A
The Webinar will be recorded and shown in a few weeks at the 2024 ACSM Annual Meeting. The recording will be made public afterwards. Data of the recording is processed according to Ghent University's 'Generic Code of Conduct for the processing of personal data and confidential information'.