Summit Speakers

As the event is focused on science based sports tech innovation, we are happy to welcome a variety of speakers and panelists coming from academia, industry and field practice.

  • Pedro Esteves
    Pedro Esteves
    Professor in Sports Science | Research & Entrepreneurship | Pushing the boundaries of knowledge & innovation in the field of sports
  • Matthias Gilgien
    Matthias Gilgien
    Norwegian School of Sport Sciences / Norwegian Alpine Ski Team / Engadin Health and Innovation Foundation.
  • Senne Bonnaerens
    Senne Bonnaerens
    Co-founder & CEO of OnTracx
  • Jessica Zendler
    Jessica Zendler
    Biomechanist, engineer, researcher. Science-driven sport & health tech, validation, best practices, education, communication, safety.
  • Ine Van Caekenberghe
    Ine Van Caekenberghe
    Scientific Coordinator @ BOIC | Ass. Professor @ VUB | Sports Biomechanics Consultant
  • Oisín Lennon
    Oisín Lennon
    CEO at Danu. Developing a wearable gait analysis system for the sports and medical industries.
  • Ismael Fernández Cuevas
    Ismael Fernández Cuevas
    MBA and PhD in Sport Sciences. I turned my PhD topic in a company called ThermoHuman. We use infrared thermography to prevent and monitor injuries
  • Dan O'Brien
    Dan O'Brien
    NBPA Sports Medicine | Player Health Advocate
  • Kieran Collins
    Kieran Collins
    Research Scientist | Applied Exercise Physiology | Academic | Interested in Performance and Data.
  • Stefanie Broes
    Stefanie Broes
    Founder at moonbird - health and well-being for all, one breath at a time
  • Tiago Malaquias
    Tiago Malaquias
    R&D Data Scientist at STATSports - PhD - Biomedical Engineer
  • Kristof De Mey
    Kristof De Mey
    PhD in sports physical therapy at Ghent University and Sports Technology, Innovation & Business Developer at the same institution since 2013.
  • David Lipman
    David Lipman
    Health and Human Performance Specialist | Using Storytelling to Create Impact
  • Steven Vandeput
    Steven Vandeput
    Advisor Extramuros & Digital Health at beMedTech. Passionate about digital health and MedTech innovation.
  • Dhruv Seshadri
    Dhruv Seshadri
    Wearable Devices | Bioelectronics | Digital Health
  • Patrick Scott Welsh
    Patrick Scott Welsh
    Human Performance Innovator | Doctoral Candidate | Behavioral Scientist | Mental Health Champion | Ex Corporate Lab Leader
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